I've been wanting to get more into sourdough bread making but have been too scared to start. I was worried the starter would be too much work/ consume too much time and produce more than I'm able to keep up with. I've finally taken the leap! So give me all of the discard recipes and lets do this thing!
Day 1:
Steal my glass jar I used for coffee filters and clean; check.
Dump in 1 c. flour (I used unbleached bread flour) & 1 c. water; check.
STIR, CHOP, SWIPE, STIR to incorporate together; check.
Name my new baby sourdough starter cause every starter has a name cause they are living!; check! Alas, George was born! DOB 3/18/23
Day 2:
Remove half of George and throw away - he's not mature enough to be used (I mis weighed him on day on his birthday so I just eyeballed the amount.
Dump in 1 c. flour & 1 c. water again
Day 3:
Almost forgot to feed George (listen... the dog is only alive b/c he yells at me when he is hungry. just saying!)
Again remove half of the starter by eyeballing again b/c I haven't properly weighed him
Input same ratio of water and flour
Day 4:
Same feeding time
I changed George's feeding ratio to 3/4 c. water and 1 c. flour b/c I saw on TikTok if the starter looks soupy maybe put less water. So we shall see what he looks like tomorrow..
Day 5:
Last day of once every 24 hr feedings
Started feeding him the new ratio of 1 c. flour and between 1/2 - 3/4 c. water
Day 6:
We start feeding the growing boy every 12 hrs! & use the new ratio again.
Day 7:
Fed him the new ratio of 1 c. flour and between 1/2 - 3/4 c. water
I see growth but it's not the doubling that he would need to be in order to use for making bread...
Day 8:
George was supposed to be ready to bake with per the one blog I read BUT he was not... So I got to researching again and turns out he needs a minimum of 2 weeks but sometimes it can take a couple MONTHS!
&&& I knew weight measurements were more accurate in baking than cups but it was easier to feed him in cups.. Oh well, just a growing pain so I cleaned out his container and properly measured it and began measuring his food by weight.
I will have a successful and flourishing sourdough starter if it's the last thing I do!
Stay tuned for next weeks updates!